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Is your AC Unit Overloading Your Generator?

Is your AC Unit Overloading Your Generator?

Did you know that your AC unit can have a very negative effect on your generator? On multiple occasions when we get a call for a generator overloading during a summer outage, the problem is related back to the homeowner’s AC unit.  The AC unit on your home is the...

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How Long Will My Residential Generator Supply Power?

How Long Will My Residential Generator Supply Power?

Most of the time, when you have a power outage it lasts only a few hours. However, there are times when it goes on much longer – even for several days.  How will your generator stand up? The answer to this question can help you decide what kind of generator you want...

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Why Buy Briggs & Stratton Generators?

Why Buy Briggs & Stratton Generators?

If you’re interested in a high-quality standby generator, you might wonder what brand to consider. There are a lot of options on the market, but only a few brands really stand out. When you choose a generator, you want to make sure you choose a reliable brand that is...

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Staying Safe During a Power Outage at Home

Staying Safe During a Power Outage at Home

The lightning cracks, there’s a loud boom, and suddenly your home is dark. You look around, startled. Yep. The power is out. If you have a standby generator, you don’t have much to worry about. The systems the generator handles will be functional within a moment or two. If you don’t have one, you need to take additional actions to stay safe.

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Safety During a Power Outage at Your Business

Safety During a Power Outage at Your Business

Dealing with a power outage at home is bad enough, but when it’s your place of business there’s even more to think about. 70% of businesses will face a power outage in the next 12 months, and weather-related outages have doubled since 2003.

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Common Causes of Power Outages

Common Causes of Power Outages

We’ve talked a lot about how important it is to have standby generators in case of a power outage. It can keep you safe and comfortable at home, and it can help you maintain your business and avoid theft or other losses. But what, exactly, causes a power outage? How...

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Why Employees Who Work Remotely Need a Standby Generator

Why Employees Who Work Remotely Need a Standby Generator

The ability to work from home is one of the many opportunities technology has created. So many people, even if they’re not self-employed, work remotely nowadays. This begs the question, what will they do during a power outage? Standby generators are great for anyone...

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Why Pest Control for your Standby Generator is a Good Idea

Why Pest Control for your Standby Generator is a Good Idea

We all know the importance of routine pest control service for our homes, but what about pest control for your home standby generator? Ants are particularly pesky, and they can cause a lot of trouble if they get into the generator’s control board. Most of the time...

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4 Signs You Need Generator Repair

4 Signs You Need Generator Repair

Is your generator working well or is it likely to fail the next time you need it?  That can be an unnerving question, but it’s a very important one. You never know when you’ll need your generator to provide vital power during a serious storm or even tornado. It’s...

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What Size Home Generator is Right For You?

What Size Home Generator is Right For You?

Is bigger always better? Not when it comes to home generators. Having the right size for your space not only saves you money, it helps ensure your safety and comfort if the power goes out.Unfortunately, there are unscrupulous people who will tell you that you should...

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How Do Generators Work to Keep You Safe & Comfortable?

How Do Generators Work to Keep You Safe & Comfortable?

If you’ve ever lost power in a bad storm, you know how important it is to have a backup source of power. Generators are a great choice, and can be used in both home and commercial buildings. If you’ve ever lost power in a bad storm, you know how important it is to...

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When is the Right Time to Buy a Standby Generator?

When is the Right Time to Buy a Standby Generator?

Maybe you’ve been bouncing around the idea of purchasing a standby generator for a while now, but you’re not quite sure if it’s the right time. So, when is the best time to buy a standby generator? Typically, people think about standby generators after a major power...

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Selecting the Right Generator for Your Camper

Selecting the Right Generator for Your Camper

All of this cold, dreary weather has us ready to pack up the fifth wheel and hit the road. Sometimes you just need to fill your lungs with fresh air and leave all of the headaches of the modern world behind. Campers are a great way to take an extended vacation from...

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Portable vs. Standby Generators: Which is Better?

Portable vs. Standby Generators: Which is Better?

Having a generator is essential – you don’t want to lose food, business, or even just comfort due to a long-term power outage. A generator can help you maintain what you need until power is restored. One question you may have, though, is what kind of generator you...

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How to Add Curb Appeal to Your Standby Generator

How to Add Curb Appeal to Your Standby Generator

We’ve been selling, installing and servicing generators since 1978, which means we’ve heard a number of worries that come with purchasing a standby generator. Many customers are rightfully worried about the appearance of the generator once it’s in their yard....

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Top Reasons Standby Generators Fail to Start

Top Reasons Standby Generators Fail to Start

Our society is reliant on power. The availability of this continuous power helps businesses maintain operations and families continue their everyday lives even when power outages occur. More and more people are choosing to invest in standby power systems. Because...

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Making Sure Your Business is Ready For Winter

Making Sure Your Business is Ready For Winter

Winter is an exciting time for many retailers and other businesses – it’s often the busiest time of the year. Winter is when you make a lot of your biggest sales and have your best months. Assuming everything goes as it should, of course. If you were to lose power or...

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Three Key Benefits of Commercial Generators

Three Key Benefits of Commercial Generators

Does your business have a plan for power failure? Losing power suddenly can have significant impacts on your company. Not only are employees and customers inconvenienced, but you also lose sales. You can also have significant long-term losses to your equipment and...

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Prepare Your Home for Winter

Prepare Your Home for Winter

Winter in Little Rock can bring cold temperatures, ice, and even some snow. Is your home ready? There are a variety of steps you can take to help winterize your property. These tips can help you save money on heating bills, keep your home secure, keep you comfortable,...

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Do You Need Home Generator Service Before Winter?

Do You Need Home Generator Service Before Winter?

It’s already November – where did the year go? That means that winter weather and ice is just around the corner, and it’s important to make sure your family is safe and protected in your home. Having a home generator is vital, whether you choose a portable or a...

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How to Get Excellent Service For Your Home Generator

How to Get Excellent Service For Your Home Generator

When you buy a home generator, you buy it to protect yourself in natural disasters and other emergencies. Whether it’s bad weather, a long-term power outage, or other need, you need your generator to work when little else does. The most important thing you can do in...

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Times it Pays to Have a Standby Generator

Times it Pays to Have a Standby Generator

Arkansas is known for bad weather. You never quite know what to expect year to year. Will we have floods in Little Rock? Or will we face drought? High wind? Or perhaps a tornado? Even without these extreme events, you can lose power for a variety of reasons. Even...

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Three Myths About Buying at a Big Box Store

Three Myths About Buying at a Big Box Store

When you think about getting the best products at the best price, do you assume you need to go to a big box store? Whether buying generators or groceries, many Americans do. It’s understandable because they believe some of the popular myths about buying from big box...

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Who Takes Care of Your Residential Generators?

Who Takes Care of Your Residential Generators?

If you buy your residential generators from a big box store, you may have no idea who’s going to take care of them. In fact, because there’s no service plan, you may assume they don’t need maintenance! That’s far from the truth. In fact, generators have regular...

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5 Tips For Using Towable Generators on Construction Sites

5 Tips For Using Towable Generators on Construction Sites

Thanks to your towable generator, your construction site can safely and efficiently receive power to keep your equipment up and running. Here are a few tips to make sure any towable generators you use during construction is safely operated.   1. Read the safety...

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What Goes Into Installing A Commercial Standby Generator?

What Goes Into Installing A Commercial Standby Generator?

At Northside Power we install residential and commercial standby generators every day. Our customers know they need a backup power source like a commercial standby generator, but they don’t know what it will take to get one up and runningWill I need to put my business...

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Home Burglary Facts Every Homeowner Should Know

Home Burglary Facts Every Homeowner Should Know

Keep your home safe with natural gas generators. Most home security systems continue to function on batteries when the power goes out. However, lights, televisions, and radios are more of a theft deterrent than you would think. Keep your home looking occupied during a...

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Generac Generators | 4 Benefits For Your Small Business

Generac Generators | 4 Benefits For Your Small Business

Are you considering Generac generators for your small business? At Northside Power we’ve helped businesses all over central Arkansas keep their power on during power outages. Many business owners find that the cost of a generator is often returned through new clients,...

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Commercial Generators and Smart Home Technology

Commercial Generators and Smart Home Technology

Smart homes are becoming more popular and more sophisticated. There is only one problem: what if the power goes out? While most smart technologies have backup plans to prevent problems during a power outage, it is still an inconvenience—and a potential safety risk—to...

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6 Severe Weather Facts Every Homeowner Should Know About

6 Severe Weather Facts Every Homeowner Should Know About

As our dependence on technology increases, so does the number of homes in America equipped with automatic transfer switch generators.   A power outage during a severe thunderstorm can be more dangerous to homeowners due to our reliance on electricity to...

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4 Reasons Why Standby Generators Are Fun at Parties

4 Reasons Why Standby Generators Are Fun at Parties

Standby generators, commercial and domestic, are becoming increasingly more essential to business and homes around central Arkansas. However, backup power sources are not the most interesting topic to bring up at parties. In fact, over our 20 years of generator...

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Natural Gas or Liquid Propane?

Natural Gas or Liquid Propane?

There are no easy answers. The home generator you choose will depend on the unique needs of your home and those who are living in it. Some homeowners, due to their location, have specific needs when it comes to home generators. At Northside Power we have generators...

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Does my small business need a commercial standby generator?

Does my small business need a commercial standby generator?

Commercial standby generators are a lifesaver for small businesses. Power outages are a sure thing in Saline County and can become very costly for small businesses. The investment you make in a commercial standby generator will pay for itself. Here are a few reasons...

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3 Benefits of Having a Towable Generator

3 Benefits of Having a Towable Generator

Whether it is caused by a major ice storm or a fallen power line, power outages are a reality for businesses in central Arkansas It’s not a matter of IF the power will fail, it’s better to plan for WHEN it fails. Depending on your business, a towable generator might...

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4 Reasons to Have a Home Standby Generator in Little Rock

4 Reasons to Have a Home Standby Generator in Little Rock

Thinking of having a generator installed for your home or office building? Here are a few good reasons to invest in a home standby generator. Northside Power is Little Rock’s top Generac dealer. We install home standby generators for customers all over central...

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