
Choosing the Right Sized Generator

If you’re reading this, then you are most likely already in the market for a new generator. You are also most likely aware that generators are a necessity for many homes and commercial businesses. If you are a homeowner, and live in an area with frequent or seasonal power outages, then an investment into a generator is an investment into the security of your home and loved ones. Likewise, if you are a business owner or manager then you may be making this investment to ensure the safety and security of your employees. Or, you may just need a portable source of power for visits to the jobsite. Considering all of these factors related to your intended uses of your next generator will help you to decide on the one that is right for you.

Whether you’re purchasing a generator for your home or for commercial use, there are a variety of steps that you can take to ensure that you are choosing the right generator for your energy needs. For an overview of what to look for when purchasing your next generator, read the guide below.


Consider your intended uses

Are you buying this generator for personal or commercial uses? Do you experience frequent power outages? Semi Frequent? Do you need something portable and easy to move, or are you intending to keep this generator in a permanent location? These are all questions that you should be asking yourself when deciding on a new generator to purchase. Here are some general generator types to look into if you fit into any of these broad categories.


You are in an area that receives frequent power outages:

Home Standby

Large Inverter


You are in an area that receives seasonal or occasional power outages:

Large Inverter


You are in an area that receives infrequent power outages:

Mid Sized Inverter

Recreational Generator

You need a generator that can be moved from location to location:



Buy the smallest generator to fit your needs

We all want to be prepared, and bigger is better right? Well, not always. You want to make sure that you aren’t overbuying. Larger generators are less fuel efficient, less portable, and more expensive. Try to decide what your approximate energy needs are, and choose a generator that falls within that range. 

Calculate your wattage needs

It is important that you create a list of every device or appliance that you intend to power with your generator and calculate your total wattage needs. Be sure to account for devices that you will want to run simultaneously when calculating your maximum wattage need. Also consider that some devices and appliances require more wattage up front when powering on then they need to run continually, be sure to account for this in your calculations. 


For more information, refer to our other guides and articles here on our website. Reach out to our team of professionals at Northside Power today to learn more or for a free consultation. 


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