
Guide to Purchasing a Commercial Generator

April 15, 2021

A storm has rolled in while you’re working from the office. You have a deadline to meet and then you see it – the lights begin to flicker and you hear the beeping of machines turning off and then resetting. Your phone line goes down and you hear everything outside of your office come to a quiet stop. What does all of that mean? Thousands of dollars down the drain. So you may be asking yourself, “how do I keep this from happening?” Put your business first and invest in a commercial generator. 

Why Invest in a Commercial Generator?

 One in every four companies experiences a power outage at least once a month on average. This can be due to extreme weather or even a blown transformer. According to Bloom Energy, power outages are causing the US economy on average, close to 150 billion dollars a year. That is not just a small inconvenience, that is a business closing power outage. Investing in a commercial generator can be what sets you apart from other businesses, and keeps the lights on while your neighbors are having to close their doors. Once power outage will likely make up for the cost of the generator at installation. 

 This year we experienced rolling power outages in Arkansas as well as many other states during our snowstorm, One California business experienced something similar during their forced power outages during the wildfires. Their business alone had economic costs pushing over 2 billion dollars.

 If you want to avoid these massive financial losses, it is time to invest in a commercial generator. So what are your options?

Types of Commercial Generators 

Commercial Standby Generators

Commercial Standby Generators are similar to Standby Home Generators. They are installed in a permanent position outside of your business on a large slab of concrete. They will automatically sense whenever the power has gone off and will switch on instantly. Once power is restored, the power to the standby generator will be switched off simultaneously. This will allow your employees and your customers to continue business as usual with the safety and comfort given by the generator.

Commercial Portable generators

These generators are ideal for those who work out of a remote location. For example, construction companies that work on one site one day and then have to move to another the next, this would be a good option. They will power up computers, phones, and equipment. Although they cannot power a full commercial building, they pack a lot of punch into their little generator.

Commercial Mobile Generators

A mobile generator is perfect for those who are operating food trucks or booths at a festival. You will only need a small amount of power to keep your commercial business running. 

Which Commercial Standby Generator Should I Buy?

Whenever you are deciding between commercial generators, it is important to consider a few different options.

1 Size

If you are not sure what size generator your business will need, it is important to have a professional come out and do a full assessment of all the electricity that will be needed in the case of a power outage. This is not as simple as figuring up the wattage needed for a residential generator to power on appliances. There are many factors that go into consideration. 

2 Fuel Type

Standby generators can run on multiple different types of fuel. Natural gas, propane, gasoline, and diesel are all options that your commercial generator may run off of. Diesel generators are typically the number one choice for commercial use. It is best to discuss with a professional which one is most suitable for your business size.

3 Power Phase

Generators run on different power phases. For example, a single-phase generator is best for homes and will power appliances. A single-phase generator could be used for small businesses such as food trucks. If you are running a large commercial operation such as a hospital or a lot of farming equipment, you will likely need a three-phase generator. You can check this with your utility company, along with your Northside Power professional technician.


If you still aren’t sure what type of generator is the best fit for your business, we highly recommend letting us come out and do a full inspection on your equipment and business power needs.