
When is the Right Time to Buy a Standby Generator?

March 4, 2019

Maybe you’ve been bouncing around the idea of purchasing a standby generator for a while now, but you’re not quite sure if it’s the right time.

So, when is the best time to buy a standby generator?


Typically, people think about standby generators after a major power outage or during the cold winter months. But the best time to purchase a generator for your home might actually be during the spring and summer months.


If you wait too long and inquire about a generator in the dead of winter, it’s likely that the dealer will be backed up with other customers and won’t be able to install your generator right away. By planning ahead and inquiring about a generator in the spring/summer, the dealer will most likely be available to get your generator installed quickly.


Most people don’t think about the summer months as being a common time for power outages, but with extreme heat also comes the overloading of power grids. Power outages often happen during the summer, taking most folks by surprise when they occur. Not only are most power outages during the warmer months unexpected but they leave you and your family sitting in the intense heat without a working air conditioner. Generators are a great way to ensure that you stay cool despite down power lines/grids.


Having a generator installed during the spring and summer months will also alleviate stress when it comes to vacationing away from your home. With our 24/7 monitoring software, we can constantly keep an eye on your generator, so we’ll know if it fails to kick on during a power outage and will send a trained technician out to resolve the issue.


It’s very unlikely that you’ll be able to do a lot of unwinding and relaxing during your vacation if you know your house is without power while you’re away. A standby generator from Northside can solve that problem and provide you with consistent power no matter what. Give us a call at (501)-315-7213 if you want to find out more about the latest monitoring technology we offer. We would be more than happy to walk you through the benefits of having a standby generator installed during the summer/spring!