
My Customers Aren’t Onsite. Do I Still Need a Back Up Generator?

January 17, 2019

Some business owners can understand the importance of a large retail store or a restaurant needing a back up generator. After all, if customers are in the building, it’s vital to keep the show going!

However, what about a company that doesn’t have customers onsite? If you have a commercial office and the only folks affected are you employees, do you still need a generator?


Yes, you absolutely do! Here’s why.


Keeping Your Office Going Serves Customers

Your clients or customers may not be standing in your offices when the power goes dark, but if your company comes to a halt they will know.


Folks who are trying to find you online may struggle if your servers are down. Orders may not get processed in a timely way. Customer service requests will go unanswered. Vendors won’t get information they need.


All of this impacts the customer experience. Keeping your office online with a back up generator is just as important as keeping any retail location well-lit and functional!


You Want to Protect Your Data

Any amount of downtime can impact your business data and sensitive customer information. From the inconvenience of having to completely rework a report that went down unsaved to the more serious issue of losing customer data, a lack of power is a problem.


If you have a specific data collection experiment going on, how much will it cost you to lose 24 hours? What if your server room can’t be kept at the right temperature and you lose significant files from your hard drives?


With a back up generator, you can rest assured that your power will continue and that your data is safe.


You Can Select What Systems to Power

A back up generator can be configured however you most need it. Perhaps you don’t need absolutely everything to run like normal, but you do need emergency lighting and power to your computer server room.


Or, you want your main office computers and internet service to continue, but you don’t need to have the elevators fully functional. Taking the stairs is good for your health!


However you want to set it up, there’s a generator that will work for you. The more you keep active during a power outage, the less productivity you’ll lose. That means your employees will stay active, your customers will get service, and your data will be secure!


Get the Back Up Generator You Need Today

We know what it means to be a business operating locally in the Little Rock area. We have been serving the needs of local businesses for over 40 years.


If you’re ready to get a back up generator, let us help. It pays to have a local company that will stand behind their work and provide local service whenever you need it. Don’t forget that you can get your maintenance taken care of too – just let us know what you need!


Contact us today to discuss your needs. We can help you find the perfect unit for your office!