
How to Protect your Portable Generator from the Harsh Weather

October 27, 2019

Normally, the only reason you ever need to break out your trusty portable generator is because of a natural disaster or bad storm, but typically, it’s unsafe to use generators in wet weather, rain or snow. These conditions are unavoidable and are most likely when you need your generator the most, so what is the solution?

The powerful voltage that generators produce combined with wet conditions could lead to electrocution, an explosion, or permanent damage to your generator, so it’s extremely important to protect your generator from any exposure to moisture not just for your safety, but also to keep the generator in top condition. 


Thankfully, there are a few options for safely using your portable generator during harsh weather conditions. 


GenTent Safety Canopies offer a great way to protect your generator from the rainy or snow elements while letting you safely pull power from it. These canopy products are waterproof and protect all of the areas of the generator that shouldn’t get wet without interfering with the portability of the generator. You can still easily transport your generator to a new location. The GenTent Canopy maintains airflow and promotes natural cooling, so your generator won’t overheat while the canopy is in use. For a great price, you can keep your generator safe in stormy conditions. 


Another option is to build a steel enclosure around your portable generator. This is usually pretty expensive and may require professional installation. A huge downside to this option is that your portable generator will no longer be portable. You’ll be stuck using your portable generator in the same location, which kind of defeats the purpose of owning a portable generator.  


If you’re in a pinch and don’t have time to buy a canopy or build a more permanent enclosure,  

you can always DIY your own generator cover. You’ll just want to make sure there is absolutely no way that moisture can get into the inside of your generator. If you choose to create a cover, make sure that the outlets and sensitive areas of your generator are 100 percent protected, you maintain airflow through some sort of ventilation, and that your enclosure can handle the harsh elements such as strong wind. 


As long as you take the proper precautions, you and your portable generator should both be fine! If you have any questions about the pros and cons of a standby generator versus a portable generator, give us a call at 501-315-7213.