
Common Causes of Power Outages

May 21, 2019

We’ve talked a lot about how important it is to have standby generators in case of a power outage. It can keep you safe and comfortable at home, and it can help you maintain your business and avoid theft or other losses.

But what, exactly, causes a power outage? How can you know when you’re at risk of losing power? Here’s what you need to know about the common causes of power outages – and why you need a standby generator in good condition all year round.



You may not think about animals as being a power problem, but they definitely can be. Not only can an animal chew through wires that impact your specific home or business, but they can also cause widespread power outages.


For instance, an outage this last New Year’s Eve in Russellville, AR, was caused by a squirrel that got into power equipment and caused damage. 1,300 people were affected in that outage, which lasted several hours.


Little Rock had their own squirrel issue in January of 2018, when a squirrel nest inside power equipment caused West Little Rock to lose power. Ironically, this squirrel damage was in the same spot that the power company had repaired animal damage just a few weeks earlier.


The moral of the story? Squirrels (and snakes, bird, racoons, and others) are mischievous and can cause significant damage to power equipment at any time of year! Standby generators can be a lifesaver.


Car Accidents

When a car loses control and hits a power pole, it can cause a power disruption for many homes and businesses in the area. Often, the power company is not able to get into the area for over an hour as the accident is cleaned up and injured people are sent to the hospital.


One such accident knocked out power for over 1,000 people in 2013. This one-car accident happened in the middle of the night, causing residents to wake up in the dark.


More recently, a Hot Springs school bus and a car collided and caused a power outage to 180 people including an elementary school. It took around two hours to get power restored to those residents.


You never know when a car accident will happen, and it can impact your power. Standby generators can provide peace of mind.



Of course, the weather is one of the top causes of power outages across the country. It can be winter ice or a summer thunderstorm – no part of the year is safe.


What makes weather especially difficult is that instead of affecting 1,000 or so people, it can impact significantly more. In early March, strong winds and heavy rain knocked out power to over 12,000 people in Little Rock and the surrounding area. Some of those customers were without power for over 24 hours.


Another storm impacted western Arkansas in June of 2018, and a Walmart in the area had to turn away customers because they didn’t have power (or, evidently, standby generators.)


Also, a campground owner lost business because of the lost power. They couldn’t make sales, couldn’t take payment, and lost customers who weren’t willing to stay.


Standby Generators Protect Your Home & Business  

You can’t predict when a power outage will happen. Whether due to a curious squirrel, a driver who loses control, weather, or some other cause, you’re likely to lose power from time to time.


The real question is, will it impact your home or business? With standby generators, you can have confidence that your business will be able to continue without interruption, saving you tens of thousands of dollars. You’ll also be able to keep your home comfortable and safe.


Why wait? Contact us to find out how to get a generator installed at your home or business today!