(501) 315-7213

Emergency Generator Tips Everyone Should Know

In times of unexpected power outages, an emergency generator can be a critical lifeline for your home. Knowing how to use your generator safely and effectively is essential for ensuring that it operates when you need it most. This blog will cover the key tips everyone should know about owning and operating an emergency generator. Whether you’re a new owner or looking to brush up on best practices, these guidelines will help you maintain power and keep your household running smoothly during an outage. 

Choose the Right Generator for Your Needs

Start by Selecting the Appropriate Type of Generator

The first step in being prepared for a power outage is choosing the right generator. Emergency generators come in two main types: portable and standby. Portable generators are more affordable and can be moved to different locations, but they require manual setup and fueling. Standby generators are permanently installed outside your home and automatically kick in when the power goes out. They are more convenient but come at a higher cost. Evaluate your power needs, budget, and how much convenience matters to you before making a decision. 

Understanding Wattage Requirements

It is crucial to know the wattage your generator needs to provide to keep essential appliances running. Calculate the combined wattage of appliances you need to power, such as refrigerators, freezers, sump pumps, and medical devices. Generators are rated by their maximum and running wattage, so ensure you choose one that can handle your total load without overloading the system. 

Safe Operation is Non-Negotiable

Always Operate Generators Outdoors

One of the most critical safety tips is to always operate your generator outdoors, away from windows, doors, and vents. Generators emit carbon monoxide, an odorless and deadly gas, which can accumulate indoors and cause poisoning. Place your generator at least 20 feet from your home and never run it in an enclosed space like a garage or basement. 

Use the Right Extension Cords

To safely connect your appliances to a generator, use heavy-duty, outdoor-rated extension cords that are appropriately gauged for the load. Thicker, lower-gauge cords can handle more power without overheating. Inspect your cords for damage before use, and replace any that show signs of wear. 

Regular Maintenance Keeps Your Generator Ready

Conduct Routine Inspections

To ensure your generator is ready when you need it, perform regular inspections. Check the oil level, air filters, spark plugs, and fuel supply regularly. Follow the manufacturer’s maintenance schedule, and run your generator for a few minutes every month to keep the engine in good condition. 

Store Fuel Safely

Store your generator’s fuel in approved containers in a cool, well-ventilated area away from any ignition sources. Add a fuel stabilizer to prevent the gasoline from degrading over time. Always have enough fuel on hand to last at least 24 hours of continuous use, but be mindful of fuel expiration dates. 

Prepare for Extended Outages

Create a Load Management Plan

If you’re dealing with an extended outage, manage your generator’s load to conserve fuel. Prioritize the most critical appliances and stagger their use to prevent overloading your generator. This strategy can extend the life of your fuel supply and reduce the wear and tear on your generator. 

Have a Backup Plan

Even the best-maintained generator can fail, so have a backup plan in place. Consider alternative power sources, such as solar chargers for small devices or battery backups for essential equipment. Having a secondary source of power ensures you’re not left in the dark if your generator malfunctions. 

Trust Northside Power for Your Generator Needs

Navigating an emergency power outage is much easier when you’re equipped with the right generator and knowledge. At Northside Power, we specialize in generator services, sales, and installations, ensuring you’re prepared for any situation. Our team of experts can help you choose the perfect generator for your needs, install it correctly, and provide the maintenance services necessary to keep it running smoothly. Don’t wait until the next outage – contact us today at (501) 315-7213 to ensure your home stays powered when it matters most.